Transliteration Scheme

marugElarA - rAga jayanta SrI

Tamil Version
Language Version

1marug(E)larA O rAghava

marug(E)la car(A)cara rUpa parAt-
para sUrya sudhA-kara lOcana (marugu)

anni nIv(a)nucu antarangamuna
tinnagA vetagi telusukoNTin(a)yya
ninnE gAni madin(e)nna jAlan(o)rula
nannu brOva(v)ayya tyAgarAja nuta (marugu)

Meaning - Gist
O rAghava! O Lord of the form of both moving and non-moving! O Supreme Lord who is beyond everything! O Lord who has Sun and Moon as eyes! O Lord praised by this tyAgarAja!

Why this screen (between You and me)?
Having searched my inner recess, I have directly perceived that everything is You alone; (OR) having searched properly in my inner recess, I have perceived that everything is You alone;
I shall not, in my mind, even think of anyone other than You; therefore, please protect me.

Word Division - Word-by-word meaning

marugu-ElarA O rAghava

O rAghava! Why (ElarA) this screen (marugu) (marugElarA) (between You and me)?

marugu-Ela cara-acara rUpa parAt-
para sUrya sudhA-kara lOcana (marugu)

Why (Ela) this screen (marugu) (marugEla), O Lord of the form (rUpa) of both moving (cara) and non-moving (acara) (carAcara)!
O Supreme Lord who is beyond everything (parAtpara)! O Lord who has Sun (sUrya) and Moon - one who sheds nectar (sudhA-kara) - as eyes (lOcana)!

anni nIvu-anucu antarangamuna
tinnagA vetagi telusukoNTini-ayya
ninnE gAni madini-enna jAlanu-orula
nannu brOvu-ayya tyAgarAja nuta (marugu)

O Lord (ayya)! Having searched (vetagi) my inner recess (antarangamuna), I have directly (tinnagA) perceived (telusukoNTini) (literally understood) (telusukoNTinayya) that (anucu) everything (anni) is You alone (nIvu) (nIvanucu);
(OR) having searched (vetagi) properly (tinnagA) in my inner recess (antarangamuna), I have perceived (telusukoNTini) (literally understood) (telusukoNTinayya) that (anucu) everything (anni) is You alone (nIvu) (nIvanucu);
I shall not (jAlanu) even think (enna) in my mind (madini) (madinenna) of anyone (orulua) (jAlanorula) other than (gAni) You (ninnE);
O Lord (ayya) praised (nuta) by this tyAgarAja! Therefore, please protect (brOvu) (brOvavayya) me (nannu);


Variations - (Pathanthara)

1marugu – screen - SrI tyAgarAja defines the screens in the kRti 'tera tIyaga rAdA' – rAga gauLipantu as 'mada matsaramanu lOni tera' – inner screens of pride and envy.
